Accuracy of the proposed method is checked using the results obtained from small-scale physical retaining wall model tests. Building on this premise, this study adopts conventional method of slices for calculating passive earth thrust and combines it with equations for estimating failure surface geometries based on in-situ stress state and density. Accordingly, it is expected that as long as the shape of the failure surface geometry and strength parameters of the backfill are known, magnitudes of computed passive earth thrusts should be highly accurate. Soil strength and failure surface geometry directly influence magnitudes of passive earth thrust acting on geotechnical retaining structures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Design charts and formulae are presented for practical use. It is of interest to note that the OCR and the soil condition below the founding level significantly affect the value of the coefficient of passive earth pressure on these walls. The theoretical values compared well with the experimental results of the present investigation. The method of slices developed for predicting the coefficient of passive earth pressure for normally consolidated soil was adopted for the conditions stated above. Tests were performed on walls retaining homogeneous overconsolidated sand, and overconsolidated sand backfill overlying the deep sand layer. Overconsolidated sand was produced in the testing tank by placing the sand in thin layers each was compacted mechanically for a period of time. In order to develop the state of passive pressure, the wall was pushed horizontally toward the backfill without any rotation. The model was instrumented to measure the total passive earth pressure acting on the wall, the passive earth pressure acting on selected locations on the wall, and the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) of the sand in the testing tank. A prototype model of a vertical rough wall, retaining horizontal backfill, was developed in the laboratory. An experimental investigation on the passive earth pressure of overconsolidated cohesionless soil on retaining walls was conducted.